Just like all of us commerce heads Mauli Shah started her journey in the professional world with a commerce degree and Chartered accountancy, but two years in articleship, all she learned about herself told her to pursue a career otherwise. A melancholic 9-5 was not her calling, she was tired of working for someone, and wanted to be free. That is when her friend and confidante lighted the path of digital marketing. What was to come out of this still unknown, Mauli still being an adventure fad jumped right in the field to try her luck in the creative pond of Digital marketing.
The beginning of digital marketing in India was slow, with a lack of technology and internet speed, people were still not accustomed to social media, with everything new and in the growth stage, Mauli knew the risks of getting into a field wherein the hours were not pre-determined and neither her success. But the pain of sitting on a desk for her whole life was bigger than trying something new and failing. Learning step by step, making mistakes, owning her weaknesses and working her ass off every day, made her what she is today. A successful entrepreneur, a successful storyteller, a successful brand strategist, the list goes on. She was a natural at building her own path and she made sure that her mistakes were just that, mistakes and not full stops to her life’s journey.
Just like any war when fought alone runs the risk of being a total failure and can cause permanent damage, the risk of doing everything yourself can itself turn into a big disaster and this was very well understood by Mauli which is why she started recruiting for her team creative heads which were as dedicated as her for learning and for success. Slowly and steadily, the team grew, with attention to detail Mauli carefully built for her a team, that is ready to take on the world with their modern approach to traditional methods of Marketing.
Her sheer belief in herself and in her team lead to a big success story that painted the world in the digital shade of Green. Today she has a successful digital marketing house that builds for brands not just a story but a Tale, a saga that sings for the brands in their own aesthetics. She today running a team, has only brand strategies on her mind 24*7, she is always talking and working towards making an improvement in her working methods, she believes a person only dies when they stop learning, and she makes sure people on her team and herself never stops learning.
Confidence, self-belief and self-assessment. These three are the key aspects of a successful person, Mauli believes. Confidence in what you want to do, what you want to achieve and the sheer belief that you can, will change your story and world upside down, the world may seem doubting on your aims and desires, but the day you stop believing you are special and deserving of the success is the day you stop breathing. Self-assessment is key to improvement, never let the opportunity of looking upon yourself slip away, be open to criticism, not saying that you should start giving others the power to over-power your vision, but always take the criticism like building bricks, the bricks might hurt but they will eventually build you stronger.
Make your own path, never let the world decide what you can and cannot do. The path that is less walked upon is usually the path to success. Not everyone can have the patience and the endurance to walk on a path that is not laid out, but once you make your own path, not only do you succeed but also a major part of your success is shared with others. The chance of you inspiring others to fight for their dreams is what successful stories holds to the essence. Always be the one believer of yourself that never would leave.
Know when to delegate, sharing your burden with your team mates is much better than doing everything by yourself and over-burdening yourself. A leader needs to know when to share. Learn the art of delegation and never let the work flow be a hurdle into looking forward, there are a million things a leader needs to think of, always build a team around that can take over of the task when they know you have other things on your mind. Build a team and prosper together.
Your aesthetics are your voice, never leave it be. Your essence will be important in the journey, never leave your core unattended, if something triggers the aesthetics and needs you to divert yourself from things that makes you "YOU". It’s better to look for something that is in harmony with your soul. Happiness and peace are two factors that determine truly if you are successful or not. Learn to always be true to yourself, and listen to your heart.