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Insideout of Brand Communication

Insideout of Brand Communication

The key to advertising is communication. It is what content you communicate through your post. Communication does not get limited to words, It spreads its wings wide to the colors and art chosen to put along with the words. When it’s time to put words in a frame, writers say: “The words are the wealth, Don’t spend them too easily” which also has a psychological reason behind it. A normal human being’s brain is trained to captivate 5 words in a second. Too much information could make the message messy and will not catch the attention of our audience. That is where color communication and art communication comes to the rescue. If the colors are chosen on the basis of what they would communicate instead of what suits better with the color of the product, massive changes could be brought. It is not about spending tons of money over classy ambiance and expecting a high budget set up with well-paid writers could always get hit. We are in an industry whose only judge is the true audience, the normal people, and their behavior has certainly been the most unpredictable concept.

The colors speak for the brand. The colors chosen to put forward on the website and the logo of the brand, whose tint is followed in all the upcoming campaigns, sets the mood, morals, and intentional vibes for the audience. If blue is calming, White is blank, spacious, and reflects no conflict. Red stands for Victories and wins, Pink stands for love and care from services, and it is depicted as being soft. These colors will frame the impression of the brand in the subconscious mind. The objects chosen to put along with the product, may it be a bunch of books, sofa, table, photo frame, equipment, etc it is very necessary for each object to blend in the mood with the set-up, No objects should be placed in a direction or in a manner that it stands out from the product. Colors and Art Also help one to put his/her perspective in a place throuColorsgh a frame. A photo with a few texts could have different perspectives and opinions on it but While representing that with accurate color and art the difference of opinions could be narrowed down to only a few.

What has been on trend the past year is creating and intensifying curiosity among the audience. For example, the CRED did its with making its Instagram account private and made a huge publicity-gaining act by having its conversation and tags all over Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, Likewise, the Five-stars “DO NOTHING” Campaign planted a statue of the third Umpire against a cricket Stadium for three days and objective was chased in the most mundane way to collect audience attention in favor of “DO NOTHING” and was taken by storm all over the internet, Everyone was in confusion for why and what purpose is the statue there to just find out at the end that it did nothing. The Other successful campaigns that have set trends have had one thing common in nature which is being normal, usual, and unnoticed. Bringing up content that everyone does every day and claiming it relatable is one thing, but bringing up content that is morally objectifying and still seen as normal or making content that is so mundane in nature that it is every day right in front of your consumer’s eye yet they notice it after you bring it up has been difficult and yet cracked by some.

For instance, let’s take the tweet and Email strategy of Zomato to every running Buzz of the internet, as well as one life, whether it be a tweet about Elon Musk Buying Twitter or sending at least one email to all their favorite consumers relating it to their work-life balance or reminding them to have a glass of water and have dinner, They do not miss a mark, which took them through Pandemic and losses they had to face. Then there are companies like NYKA whose tweet and mail strategy has failed to either connect or overwhelm the audience. They too scheduled regular tweets for their consumers but reminded the consumers just about the offers got them to end up with no content when the offers started to go down. Nyka didn’t crack the key to advertising and ended up facing heavy losses.

This gives a lesson to the industry, Offers are a must but they are not the content, they are data, it is the job of an advertising agency to cook up creative content for the data given. Audiences will fall head over heels for attractively designed models or animated cartoons if they could connect to them. There we have yet another major perspective of Brand Communication which is storytelling.

Part – 2: Everyone Adores a Tale

Storytelling is the heart of any kind of communication. Although we wonder what special role it plays in Brand Communication. Storytelling influences consumers to take action. It’s a process to portray the message. It is said, “Storytelling in marketing helps consumers to understand why they should care about something, and it works to humanize your brand.” When consumers are told behind the scenes in the form of storytelling, and when they have communicated the morals of a company by connecting them each to a story, they find a human instinct in your brand instead of a business company trying to make profits.

People feel good and are more than satisfied when they are shown importance, which is exactly how democracy works. System apart, even though your business is a huge profit-making company when the audience is shown that there are a number of humans and mechanizations involved just in order to make their experience better with a product, their hearts ease out and see the concern. Image building comes with the practice of Storytelling. Whether it’s a Start-up Brand or a 100 years old huge profit-making company, to sustain the market a positive image to behold the trust of consumers remains at peak importance. No actions that could set the Company’s image at risk, by hurting the sentiments of its consumers, should be taken for the greed of earning more profit. It took years for Maggie to rebuild its original image after the court case. Again What got Maggie through the hard times? Storytelling Strategies. Maggie started inviting trips from educational institutes to its factories and acknowledged kids in person about making their products. It recognized the hurt emotions of its trusted consumers and used them as a powerful tool for a comeback. Debbie Williams, in a CMI post, writes, “A brand story is made up of all that you are and all that you do. From the company’s history, mission, inspiration, goals, and audience it’s why you exist.”

If we give it a creative insight, storytelling in brand communication is not just limited to the stories of the brand. A brand can manage to tell its consumers stories of their own life while reminding them how their company plays a little role in their everyday life. To illustrate we have Campaign ideas for Asian Paints. The “Mera wala Blue” tagline, caught the attention of the audience by reminding them of their childhood dream to see everything in their favorite color and how they miss seeing it come true. The campaign was a huge success. The tagline became so popular that people would go to stores and ask for “Mera wala blue or mera wala green”, says Amit Syngle (VP of Sales and Marketing, Asian Paints) in an interview with Economic Times.

Well, there are different ways in Brand communication to spike a story. Whether put through a rumor or a win-win poll, the point is to make the audience be our own marketing employees. To make that possible the only way out is to add either a surprise or a shock element.

Brand Communication needs to be done while keeping the market and competitors in mind. While most brands play safe, they put their voices, qualities, quantities, and rates similar to their competitive brands, which is why they all go unnoticed separately and consumers view them as alternatives or one and the same. It is possible to have a monopoly game despite being in a market full of competitors providing the same product. The steps are simple: Keep your Brand as unique and as different as you can from the other competitors. Whether it concerns appearance, Language, or policies, Change them all. Keep them upgraded and unique. Make Consumer engaging content and plan events.

Give your audience reasons to use your service instead of constantly teaching them how to use it. Knock their minds By acknowledging where and how you can find them. Give them a reason why they need to find out about your brand. Encourage the audience with engaging content and provide room for criticism. Yes, A huge Part of Brand Communication is played by Feedback and Customer care services. Try and reach out as much negative feedback as you can, and bring changes accordingly. Have room for receiving complaints for consumers, hearing them, and responding to them. That simple effort itself would do a lot of brand communication. As on Part of the advertising department, A creative take on a criticism could be a breakthrough. It is very important to have an eye on data and statistics of positive and negative feedback as that is pure content. Many could miss out on how in various thoughtful ways could the opinions of people on the brand be taken and showcased to gain attention. It is not about negative feedback, it is about a Brand’s take on that negative feedback.

While the Digital media and Marketing world revolves around the flight of encouraging and shaping perspectives, there is one thing that people miss out to notice. This is the only industry that lets you keep your word, helps you change the perspective of society, and Has grounds to speak on all the subjects beneath and beyond the world while making you feel proud to be Stuck at your grounds. Politics, drama, economics, and numbers may be the heroes in their own Industry, but they are all just pawns in this industry who are put and played with creativity. You get to choose what you want people to see and identify; hence, it takes a wise men’s ship to sail along in the Industry. Brands have ethics and ideas behind their business, but brand communication is putting forth the same ideas to enhance the audience that they were not made for business, they were made for a better experience for the consumers. What Brands know is business, What Brand communication does is pave a strong pathway for that brand to sustain the markets as just earning profits is not enough.

In Conclusion, we derive, Brand Communication has A lot to offer if sighted with intelligence and creativity. It is not about putting any random content, but it is actually just about the content you put, regardless of the format. Whether you use words, colors, art, storytelling, poetry, or just a fine amalgamation of all like a mix-fruit smoothie, if done right it can bring huge differences.